Professeur, IUT Sénart-Fontainebleau
ibos at
Article(s) publié(s)
N. Dujardin, T. Salem, V. Feuillet, M. Fois, L. Ibos, C. Poilâne, R. Manuel (2020), Measurement of pore size distribution of building materials by thermal method, Construction and Building Materials, 245:118417, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118417.
A. François, L. Ibos, V. Feuillet, J. Meulemans (2020) Novel in situ measurement methods of the total heat transfer coefficient on building walls, Energy and Buildings, 219:110004, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110004.
T.-T. Ha, V. Feuillet, J. Waeytens, K. Zibouche, S. Thébault, R. Bouchié, V. Le Sant, L. Ibos (2020), Benchmark of identification methods for the estimation of building wall thermal resistance using active method: numerical study for IWI and single-wall structures, Energy and Buildings, 224:110130, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110130.
M.H.A. Larbi Youcef, V. Feuillet, L. Ibos, Y. Candau (2020), In situ quantitative diagnosis of insulated building walls using passive infrared thermography, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, DOI: 10.1080/17686733.2020.1805939
A. François, L. Ibos, V. Feuillet, J. Meulemans (2020) Estimation of the thermal resistance of a building wall with inverse techniques based on rapid in situ measurements and white-box or ARX black-box models, Energy and Buildings, 226:110346, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110346.
A. François, L. Ibos, V. Feuillet, J. Meulemans (2020), In situ measurement of the heat transfer coefficient on a building wall surface: h-measurement device based on a harmonic excitation, Entropie, DOI: 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2020.0547.
A. François, L. Ibos, V. Feuillet, J. Meulemans (2021), In situ measurement method for the quantification of the thermal transmittance of a non-homogeneous wall or a thermal bridge using an inverse technique and active infrared thermography, Energy and Buildings, 233:110633, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110633
Dujardin, N., Feuillet, V., Garon, D., Ibos, L., Marchetti, M., Peiffer, L., Pottier, D., Séguin, V., Theile, D. (2018) Impacts of environmental exposure on thermal and mycological characteristics of insulation wools, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol. 68, pp. 66-80, DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2017.10.001.
Lahouioui, M. Fois, R. Ben Arfi, L. Ibos, A. Ghorbal, Experimental Investigation of Palm Fiber Surface Treatment Effect on Thermal, Acoustical, and Mechanical Properties of a New Bio-Composite, Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration, EMCEI 2017: Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions pp 1577-1579
Dujardin N., Salem T., Feuillet V., Fois M., Ibos L., Poilane C., Manuel R. (2020), Measurement of pore size distribution of building materials by thermal method, Construction and Building Materials, vol. 245, 118417
Lahouioui M., Fois M., Ibos L., Ghorbal A. (2017) Etude des performances thermiques de matériaux à matrice cimentaire renforcés par des fibres de bois de palmier traitées, SFT 2017, Marseille, Mai 2017, p 449 – 457
Hamdaoui O., Ibos L., Mazioud A., Safi M., Limam O. (2018). Thermophysical characterization of Posidonia Oceanica marine fibers intended to be used as an insulation material in Mediterranean buildings, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 180, pp. 68-76.
N. Le Touz, M. Marchetti, J. Dumoulin, L. Peiffer, A. Escal, L. Ibos, M. Fois and P. Bourson, QIRT 2018 Conference, Berlin
Lahouioui M., Ben Arfi R., Fois M., Ibos L., Ghorbal A. (2020), Investigation of Fiber Surface Treatment Effect on Thermal, Mechanical and Acoustical Properties of Date Palm Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites, Waste and Biomass Valorization, vol. 11, pp. 4441–4455.